Keep on Movin’

You will notice a change of scenery in this week’s bass looping video.  I moved in the majority of my studio stuff over the weekend, but I still have a lot to clean and move.  I am learning a lot about my girlfriend’s family since moving here like her uncle is a country musician that loves playing Telecasters!  He let me know about a Fender bass amp from the 1970s that was hidden down in the basement, and he’s letting me use it.  It’s pretty cool.

This week’s video was put together very quickly.  I knew the bass line that I wanted to play, but the rest was very improvised, so I hope it isn’t too all over the place.  Let me know in the comments below the video!

Stay Funky,

Professor John

Ibanez BTB7 and New Looping Video

Funny story.  I went to my local Sam Ash music store looking for a used fuzz or distortion pedal.  While I was there I tried out some of the basses they had there.  I have been thinking about picking up a 6 string, so I decided tried some out.  The first one I picked up and started playing, but I got confused.  It was because it was a 7 string!  Once I figured it out, it was so easy to play and sounded great.

The next day I went back to the store and bought it!  So I went to the store for a used fuzz pedal and left with a 7 string bass!

The main reason I wanted this bass was to expand on my looping and for songwriting purposes.  I am going to make a video of me looping with the 7 string bass every week and upload it to my YouTube Channel.  If you have not subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so!  There are some ridiculous requirements now to share in the advertising, so every subscribe helps!

Click here to watch the first video I have made with the new Ibanez 7 String Bass!

My work on the new album, Sophomore Sizzler, is going great, and I wanted to share a song from the upcoming album with everyone. This song is called “Trapped in Blues”, and it’s named after the big musical influences that can be heard in the song.

The drums/percussion are straight from Atlanta’s trap music scene which is popular in the area. It was a lot of fun playing with the fast hi-hats and varying the drums under the same musical patterns. The songs chord progression is also very similar and can be heard in a lot of blues music. Of course, the bass is heavily influenced by the funk, and the breakdown in the middle with the synth bass reminds me of the Gap Band.

To get access to the full song, sign up for my mailing list here: Professor John Newsletter Sign Up!